This week, we do not have class due to the 4th of July. All this week will allow us to continue to put into effect some of the things we learned. Our budget is still on track, we have had to make some adjustments but not from under budgeting. There were a couple of categories where we budgeted too much money, so we re-allocated those funds. The thought behind the re-allocation is to not have money floating around, but to spend every dollar. I even got an extra $8 dollars in my paycheck that helped us with some of the 4th of July expenses. The nervousness I was feeling after we did the budget has helped us stay on track. We try to make sure every dollar is well spent and it feels good. The next time we get paid is 07/10/09 and we are pretty sure our money will last that long.
I was really nervous about the grocery envelope, it is getting kind of low, but I just looked in the kitchen and we have enough food to last until payday. However, we still may need to get some bread, milk, eggs, and cereal, but I think there is enough to get all of it with what is left.
We even had a good 4th of July weekend on a budget. On July 3rd, we went to see a free firework show at Addison's Kaboom Town. It has been real hot lately, so went later than normal and ate before we went. Eating before we went saved us some money and we parked in the parking garage Felicia and I used to work at and it was free. For the actual 4th, we budgeted $50 to go to the Grand Prairie Air Hogs game where my aunt reserved the pool in center field and we swam and watched the baseball game from there. The tickets included a buffet from 5:30 to 7:30 and free refills the whole night on sodas. After the Air Hogs won the game, then we got to see a Firework show from the pool area. It was a great weekend and it did not break the bank. Some of the extra money from my paycheck went to Anthony's snow cone that he did not even eat, because as soon as he saw the pool he wanted right in.
We are still working on our Gazelle Intensity but I think after this first week of our real budget we are off to a good start.