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Tightening the Ropes...again

So far it has been a horrible start to the New Year as far as budgeting goes. I am not trying to make excuses, but we need to find out why we are doing so bad. I think I know...we are getting anxious about the birth of our daughter. Felicia has been feeling bad the last couple of weeks and this week she has been having irregular contractions. We keeping coming up with excuses not to cook or to buy something we really don't need. Deep down we know we are just trying relieve stress or make ourselves feel better at that moment.

Now is the time to stop and tighten the ropes a little bit. Felicia has stopped working two weeks before we planned, but the good news is that we did so good in savings that we have enough in an emergency fund to survive. Thanks for the advice on that one, Dave Ramsey! We stockpiled some cash and now we need to be careful in how we spend it. It would be a shame to do so well and then manage those funds poorly.

Even though we have done poorly this month, we still have not tapped into our savings.

Right now, the hardest part is cooking every night. We were doing really well for a couple of months, but now we come up with excuses not to. I don't want to make empty promises, but I would like to get back on track. We saved more money than we have ever saved before since July. So much stress has been lifted since we started this journey, and a conversation about money does not end up in an argument. As far as a goal and how we want to handle money, we are together. Now when we a credit card offer comes in the mail we look at each other and laugh and then point out the ridiculous interest rates it has.

We need to settle down and get our focus back. We really want to teach Anthony and Maya the proper way to handle finances.

I do have to say one last thing, I am not sure if this has anything to do with it, but it seems since we slowed down in blogging, we started messing up. Maybe it's because when we blog it is in the front of our mind. Who knows?


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