We are officially working on paying off our debt!!! We started this financial journey with $18,714.22 in debt and paying some of the minimum payments while working on the $1,000.00 emergency fund, we have paid $987.33 of it. Now, we have a total of $17,726.89 to payoff and by using the Debt Snowball and calculating only paying the minimum payment we will be debt free September 2014. Wow, that is 5 years from now! Felicia and I are committed to throwing whatever extra money comes in at our Debt. Throughout the year we do get extra money that we could use like my bonuses, my overtime, Felicia's sock monkey sales, and when we save money shopping. I know we can we get this done before September 2014. To keep track of our progress, I have added a Debt Snowball Tracker on the Top Right of this blog. What kind of debt do we have that adds up to $18,714.22? Looking at everything I put into the Debt Snowball it looks like $192 is from a checking account that went in the...
I am a 14 year vet at marriage, and have 2 beautiful kids. As I gain another year closer to 40, I have started to focus on bettering myself and trying to find my passion. My goal is for this blog to serve as an accountability tool for self improvement.